Dear patient, Thank you for your good wishes and wishes for your complete recovery and health. We thank you for choosing this center for your trust in the health services offered by this hospital. We have provided the necessary information for admission so that you will be able to obtain enough information before studying at this center and read our full readiness. Please note:
Dear Mr. Please note the following before accepting:
A list of contractual insurance and estimated costs are available at the Admissions and Admission Unit as a Notification. Please check the type of your insurance contract and the amount of possible expenses at the health center before admission and admission.
– Receipt of the hospital admission contained in the insurance booklet, along with a legible record of the diagnosis of illness in the case of patients covered by the insurance or header of the hospital, in respect of patients without insurance, from a physician who is undergoing a medical examination.
If you are a candidate for surgery at this health center, you will need to go to the admission hospital after receiving a hospital admission.
Avoid using gold and jewelry at the time of admission and surgery.
– Patient need surgery required.
When submitting your address and phone, make sure that the above mentioned items are documented and correct. In some cases, it is necessary to contact the patient. It is therefore necessary to provide a valid and accessible telephone number. In the case of a license for having a companion, the homosexuality with the patient is required in order to comply with the compliance plan.
– In order to improve the patient’s level of safety and identify his or her correct healthcare needs, the wrist strap identifier containing the patient’s nouns and the date of birth at the patient’s admission will be provided and provided by the hospital admission unit. It is necessary that the inserted specification is controlled by the patient or companion patient and used after confirmation of the wristband profile.
Dear patient: Due to the hospital bed limits and the changing conditions for the treatment of patients admitted and the impossibility of discharging the patient according to the previous plan, planning for a new patient is not possible according to the timetable, and admission and provision of treatment with Delay However, the hospital will do its utmost to accommodate the patient, taking into account the priority of the patients (elderly, children, pregnant women and vulnerable people are in the top priority). In any case, the patience and patience of dear patients can help us with this.
Required Documents for Admission
Dear companion: If you are admitted to surgery for people under the age of 18 years, the presence of a legal guardian or a legal guardian with valid identification documents is required for obtaining consent for surgery.
– The results of the CBC and ECG tests are required for patients older than 40 years of age and chest radiographs for patients over the age of 60 years.
– It is obligatory to have anecdotal consultation documents.
-If you have a safety record book, check it in terms of availability and sufficient paper.
– If the patient’s age is less than 2 years old, it is required to have a parent’s insurance record and birth certificate.
– An insurance policy for children under 2 years of age is required.
– It is required to have a patient ID or national card.
– For male children over 22 years of age, having a certificate of employment is required.
– For children of more than 15 years of age, who are parental support, the presentation of the identity card and the image of all its pages is required.